Our delivery person will pick order from distributor and delivered it to store adhearing strict SLA.
Our sales person can go on pre defined route to capture order for you.
At end of credit cycle, our resource will get notification to collect payment from stores
Sales person places order thru mobile app. Along with order placement, it also geo tags the user with timings. Where as Store app is used by store owner for order capture.
Once order is captured, detailed workflow is assigned to it. From here onwards it is visible to the distributor for further processing. After billing inventory is assign to it and order is set up for delivery
Delivery app takes care of automating delivery process. A route is created for all shippable orders and it is avaiable for delivery person. Each delivery is tracked individually.
Order is not complete until payment is done. Both delivery app and sales app have ability to show pending payments from store where user can collect payment and mark the transcation completed.